144,000 asks:
You know, do you ever post anything other than doom and gloom? How 'bout a post on some hobbies for a change, if you have any.
This is my hobby! LOL / You Know
all the talk of late has been about the crisis on wall street, and indeed, throughout the entire global financial system.
the most recent scandal du jour and causality of the stock market slide is the gigantic media firm aol time/ warner.
144,000 asks:
You know, do you ever post anything other than doom and gloom? How 'bout a post on some hobbies for a change, if you have any.
This is my hobby! LOL / You Know
all the talk of late has been about the crisis on wall street, and indeed, throughout the entire global financial system.
the most recent scandal du jour and causality of the stock market slide is the gigantic media firm aol time/ warner.
It should be obvious to any thinking person that none of you have the slightest clue how your world works much less what the judgments of Jehovah are concerning it. / You Know
at this point in my life i feel very confident that leaving the jws was the best thing for me.
however, 25 years of brainwashing goes a long way.
(for arguments sake) if religion collapsed today, would you feel you made a mistake in leaving the wbts?
What would you do if religion collapsed? is the wrong question. The question should be, What would you do if the system collapsed? / You Know
all the talk of late has been about the crisis on wall street, and indeed, throughout the entire global financial system.
the most recent scandal du jour and causality of the stock market slide is the gigantic media firm aol time/ warner.
Back in the wake of 9-11, a week after My Little Wager, my opponents insisted that when I said that Wall Street would be in a state of war, if not financial panic, that it had any connection to America's so called New War. A number of apostates were so flustered and desperate to discredit me that they tried to say that I was predicting that Wall Street would go to war with itself notthat there would be an actual war. LOL Apparently the most dreaded and distasteful thing in the mind of an apostate is that YK could some how be right. The fact is though, that 9-11 was the biggest American disaster since Pearl Harbor, and in fact more lives were lost on 9-11 than during the Japanese sneak attack. The fact that nearly a year later my adversaries are still claiming that I lost My Little Wager speaks to the sheer perversity and intellectual dishonesty of many in the apostate/anti-JW camp. / You Know
all the talk of late has been about the crisis on wall street, and indeed, throughout the entire global financial system.
the most recent scandal du jour and causality of the stock market slide is the gigantic media firm aol time/ warner.
All the talk of late has been about the crisis on Wall Street, and indeed, throughout the entire global financial system. The most recent scandal du jour and causality of the stock market slide is the gigantic media firm AOL Time/ Warner. http://www.nypost.com/business/45742.htm
But since the system has been in place for many years and has endured a few hard knocks and cyclical ups and downs, few people can imagine that the seeming indomitable financial and political system could simply collapse. Yet, the Hebrew prophets foretell that the entire global economic/political system will eventually be judged and abandoned to destruction. Even the Christian writers speak to that judgment. For example, James the 5 th chapter starts off by saying:
"Come, now, you rich men, weep, howling over your miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted, and your outer garments have become moth-eaten.
Your gold and silver are rusted away, and their rust will be as a witness against you and will eat your fleshy parts.
Something like fire is what you have stored up for the last days.
Look! The wages due the workers who harvested your fields but which are held up by you, keep crying out,
And the calls for help on the part of the reapers have entered into the ears of Jehovah of armies.
You have lived in shameless luxury upon the earth and have gone in for sensual pleasure.
You have fattened your hearts on the day of slaughter."
Empires have always enslaved and exploited large segments of the population. The Anglo-American system has taken exploitation to a new dimension, whereby entire nations are induced into indebtedness and then mercilessly crushed. Argentina is a tragic example of how it works. Once one of the most promising and prosperous nations in the Western Hemisphere it has been reduced to rubble in recent months. http://quote.bloomberg.com/fgcgi.cgi?touch=1&btitle=Top%20News&T=sa_content.ht&s=APUBzhhTLQXJnZW50
One poster on another thread voiced the opinion that YK was an idiot for making the connection that any goings on in the financial system could possibly have anything to do with the judgment of Jehovah God. The span of verse in James though speaks to the very heart of the most important issue facing mankind today, and in fact the verses in James constitute a prophecy because it refers to a future time of judgment that takes place during the last days of this system. Certainly, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to conclude that rapacious bankers, brokers, hedge fund drug money launderymen, and energy traders, in the wake of deregulation, have been given free reign by the government to rob the wager earner and pensioner of their means of livelihood, with ramifications for every person on the planet. But, as is the case in the parasite and host relationship in nature, there comes a time when the host is sucked dry and the parasite itself is faced with its own extinction. http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2002-28a/this_wk.html
While it is apparent that the judgment has not commenced yet, it is oh, so, obvious whom Jehovah is referring to who "have fattened their hearts on the day of slaughter." From all indications the slaughter is about to begin.
/ You Know
okay you know: i am confused and need some wisdom.
see my secular humanist response below.edited by - amazing on 24 july 2002 19:44:40.
Probably the thing that is most unsettling to you in all of this is the nagging fear that YK might be right. / You Know
peter once wrote concerning paul's writings, saying: "in them, however, are some things hard to understand" that being the case, it is understandable why jehovah opened his long-running dialogue with israel, through isaiah, by saying: "my own people have not behaved understandingly.
" further, in that 1st chapter, at verse 10, jehovah addresses the leaders of his people saying: "hear the word of jehovah, you dictators of sodom.
give ear to the law of our god, you people of gomorrah.
Your response is about the closest thing to a non-response I have ever seen you post.
Just bringing it to the top basically. / You Know
i don't have a clue how a computer works.
i just turn it on and point and click and i am able to do what i need to do, unless of course something goes wrong, or in the worst case scenario if my little machine experiences the dreaded blue-screen crash, then i am really in a mess.
that is the way the financial system is for most people.
Don't you ever get tired of frothing and raving like a smegging soapbox madman, Booby?
You are the one doing all the mouth-frothing. I just stick to the facts. / You Know
peter once wrote concerning paul's writings, saying: "in them, however, are some things hard to understand" that being the case, it is understandable why jehovah opened his long-running dialogue with israel, through isaiah, by saying: "my own people have not behaved understandingly.
" further, in that 1st chapter, at verse 10, jehovah addresses the leaders of his people saying: "hear the word of jehovah, you dictators of sodom.
give ear to the law of our god, you people of gomorrah.
So, even if that presumption is correct, your logic is still faulty based on my other statements.
LOL 'So there.'
Secondly, IMO, the trinity does not speak to God's identity, but more so to his nature... which again are two different things.
The trinity teaches that Jesus is God. If that is not a case of mistaken identity than nothing is.
And, I am not debating the validity/non validity of the Trinity doctrine, nor am I stating which view I hold, just your use of it as your "basis" for the statement that only JWs can have a relationship with God.
So, in other words, you don't know, you just know that you know doesn't know. LOL / You Know
given your reaction to mr. andersons letter of resignation recently posted to this board, which seemed sympathetic, i would like to ask four questions of you, which of course you are at liberty not to answer.
1 ) how do you personally feel about the fact that the wts is now moving to disfellowship mr. anderson for writing that letter?.
2) if mr. anderson were to begin posting to this board, how would you view him?.
NO WAY says
This is obviously a matter of faith, as 'greater fulfillment' exergesis is not specified in the New Testament as a modus operandum for Christians.
That's complete nonsense. Christian writers applied many many prophecies of physical Israel to spirititual Israel . As just one of many examples, at Romans 9:27 Paul quotes Isaiah 10:22 where it refers to God sparing a remnant of Israelites from the enemy and he applies it to the Christian congregation. / You Know